Friday, March 21, 2008

Utah Jazz game

Touch of Class danced for the Utah Jazz. They were the pre-game show. It was really cute to watch Makenna tonight. She was so happy and excited to be there. I think some of that energy made her a little bit distracted. It seemed like she was finding it hard to focus. She giggled about that after it was over. She had fun though and we watched a great game. It was the Jazz vs. the Lakers. We got to sit courtside while the players warmed-up and the girls danced. Then we moved to our nose-bleed seats to watch the game. Matt had class tonight. It was a bummer to not have him there with us. One more year and then we will have our "normal" family life back.

Makenna was on the Jumbo Tron while they were waiting to start their dance.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is way cool you guys must have had a blast. Miss Kenna is turning into quite the "showgirl". Poor Mattie I am sure that was dissappointing for him.

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