Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jayden's Strikers' season is under way! 9/2/08

Jayden LOVES soccer. The more he plays the more he LOVES it. Tonight's game was played against Rampage. While waiting for the game to start Devon finished his book, Makenna practiced her back walk overs and Jayden warmed up on the swamp-like field. It was soaked, but added some extra "excitement" to the game.

Matt is disappointed that he is missing all of Jayden's Tuesday games. He has class on Tuesdays for the first part of this semester.

This was Jayden's third game of the season. His team is 3-0. They have really come together as a team. It's so much fun to watch the improvement and strategy in the games.
Jayden is number 9 on the red team.

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