Monday, September 22, 2008

A little bit of our Saturday...

Devon's team this season is called the Torchics (a.k.a. a fire type Pokemon). He is on a bigger field and worn out by the end of the game. Matt is now an "official" ref. He has been doing it for years, but he attended the training and was given the gear this year.
Thankfully today's storm came in after the three morning soccer games and before Matt took Jayden to the REAL Salt Lake soccer game in the evening. This gorgeous rainbow appeared as they left for the game.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

**WHISTLE** Sexy Matthew!!! Nice new uniform, love it!!!

Beautiful Rainbow, we are reading James and the Giant Peach and we are at the cloud men who paint rainbows in the ski. Really cool Pic. Have a good week all!

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