Monday, September 15, 2008

Makenna lost her first tooth 9/15/08

Makenna's tooth became very loose all of a sudden tonight. It hurt to eat and she was very hungry after going to dance and her brother's soccer practice. She set her mind to pulling that tooth out tonight and there would be no stopping her.
She would tear up and then sob, but keeping it in one more day was not an option.

There were tears of frustration, pain, determination and relief tonight. Oh I forgot to mention the mommy tears, when the mommy cried because her "baby" lost her first tooth.

For all of the editors reading my blog :-)...on the plastic baggie it reads "Makenna's" instead of "Makenna" because I started off writing "Makenna's first tooth" and then added the "lost her" and forgot to lose the apostrophe. Okay, now someone needs to edit my explanation...LOL.

Now it's time for bed and Makenna wants to know how long she will have this space between her teeth. She says she is excited that she lost a tooth but sad that she does not have all of her teeth anymore. Being six has many challenges.


Katrina said...

Kenna Bear that is AWESOME! Let us know what the tooth fairy brings. Madison Roosevelt saw the tooth fairy the first she lost a tooth. You will have to let us know if you do.

Katrina said...

Kim your grammer was just fine and you can't even see the bag. Silly Willy!

Aunt Dana said...

Ha! Makenna should try being 48 sometime! Now that's a challenge. I'm glad that she got it out by herself!!! Yahoo Makenna, what a big girl are!!! Love you always, Aunt Dana

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